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68% of Russians Mentioned Income Decrease in the Self-Isolationn

Self-isolation: how gains and losses of Russians have changed, what they have saved with, and what spends have grown According to the obtained data, a half of Russians (51%) mentioned partial reduction of their gains in the lockdown. One third of the respondents (31%) have the same income, while 17% have lost their profit totally. 1% of the respondents mentioned increased income. Spends of Russians have changed too, moreover in the same proportions: 51% mention reduction, 17% - increase, and 31%...

32% of Russians Have to Pay off Their Loans or Mortgages

... People with an average+ income use loans least often - 26%. At the same time Russians with a low income most often use consumer loans (68%), while people with a high income — mortgages (54%). 29% of the respondents with an average income have borrowed money from the banks. Today 47% of them pay off their mortgages and 53% - consumer loans. Pay off amount In the average the borrowers use 26% of their income to pay off their loans. At the same time the amounts of paying off in case of mortgage and consumer ...