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54% of SMB Owners Believe, that the Second Wave of Covid-19 Will Come

... business attitudes organized by PSB jointly with OPORA Russia and MAGRAM Market Research, it was figured out, that the company owners expect the second wave of quarantine restrictions. The number of SMB owners, who are confident, that the second wave of Covid-19 will come before the end of 2020, makes 54%. One third of the research participants believe the second wave will not come. However even in case of stronger restrictions and return to a full lockdown over one fourth of SMB companies (27%) are ...

80% of SMB Companies Mentioned Drop of Demand Starting with Covid-19 Pandemic

The businessmen shared, how the pandemic impacted their product demand, how they plan to close their business, and how long they might «stand» the lockdown According to April’s RSBI — a monthly measurement of SMB business attitudes, organized by PSB jointly with OPORA Russia and MAGRAM Market Research, after the lockdown was announced the drop of demand was registered by 80% of SMB representatives. In terms of business size, micro-companies suffered most of all — 85% of the respondents mentioned...

RSBI: Business Expects Restrictions and Reduces Investments

The key reasons of the Index decrease are negative trends in investments RSBI decreased in September vs. August and made 46.6 points, which proves vulnerable business positions due to restrictions expectation during the second wave of COVID-19. Key trends In the sales component we see a trend to the improvement of actual figures and worsening of the expectations. The growth of revenues was mentioned by 16% of the businessmen, which is by 4% more vs. the previous month’s figures,...

SMB Expects the Second Wave of the Pandemics

... restrictions It was discovered during the August measurement of RSBI — a monthly research of SMB business attitudes organized by PSB jointly with OPORA Russia and MAGRAM Market Research. Nearly a half of SMB representatives (48%) expect the second wave of COVID-19 in Russia before the end of 2020. 35% are confident, that the second wave will not occur, 17% — answered DK. It is interesting, that in Moscow and Moscow Oblast the share of those, who answered DK is higher vs. in the regions (24% vs. 16% in ...

RSBI Keeps Growing after the Lockdown Is Cancelled

RSBI keeps growing and reaches 45 points in June According to the research, for the first time during three months the share of companies that have cut their FTEs almost halves, and the number of companies planning redundancies reduces by almost three times. Such dynamics is reached mainly due to the lockdown mitigation and business support measures, as a result many businessmen managed to get back to their regular business activities. It also impacted the plans of businesses to increase their...

RSBI: SMB Activity Increased for the First Time This Year

... business attitudes has started to growth too. However the figures are far from being normal and average, so it is too early to talk about plans for the future and investments, our small business is just recovering and learning to survive in the new “post-Covid-19” world», Konstantin Basmanov, Head of SME & Mid Corporates at PSB , said. It should be noted, that all blocks' growth was reached not due to actual figures, but due to optimistic expectations of the future, when all restrictions would be ...

68% of Russians Mentioned Income Decrease in the Self-Isolationn

Self-isolation: how gains and losses of Russians have changed, what they have saved with, and what spends have grown According to the obtained data, a half of Russians (51%) mentioned partial reduction of their gains in the lockdown. One third of the respondents (31%) have the same income, while 17% have lost their profit totally. 1% of the respondents mentioned increased income. Spends of Russians have changed too, moreover in the same proportions: 51% mention reduction, 17% - increase, and 31%...

Small Business of Moscow Region Believes the Crisis Is Not Over, but Does Not Give Up

... noted, that even in the hard economic situation more than a half of the respondents (55%) express trust to A.U. Vorobyov, Governor of Moscow Region (among those, who answered the question). Also rather high level of trust is evoked by Russia’s anti-Covid-19 measures. They are supported by more than a half of the respondents (52%): 29% fully approve them, 23% — approve, but believe, they might be less tough. The research was held in the second half of April in the territory of Moscow Region via ...

Small Business Assessed State Measures Targeted at Pandemic Consequences Mitigation

RSBI demonstrated, how SMB assessed state measures to support business and what small and medium-sized companies were doing to mitigate COVID-19 pandemics consequences 89% of businessmen are aware about state measures to support SMB targeted at COVID-19 consequences mitigation. At the same time 51% of them track the offered measures carefully, while 38% study them from time to time....

54% of Russia’s Small and Micro Companies Hope to Restore Their Income in Half a Year and Earlier

Small and micro business owners talked about working remotely and about the prospects of getting back to their regular income figures According to the obtained data, only each fifth company (20%) is capable of working remotely with the same efficiency. All employees of those companies keep working with the same workload from home. 35% of the companies shifted some part of their employees to the remote work, however due to such modifications those companies stopped providing some services/works...

RSBI: First Results of SMB Monthly Measurements

RSBI: SMB business activity for Q1’2020 In March RSBI demonstrated a sharp drop of business activity in SMB segment, down to 45 p.p. To compare, in January it made 51.4 p.p., while in February – 49.6 p.p. The decrease was registered in three components of the Index: HR, Sales and Investments, except for Financing Availability, which in March vice versa demonstrated insignificant growth vs. January. In terms of business size the minimum figures are demonstrated by micro business as expected. However...

1/3 of SMB Companies Registered Their Revenues Reduction Even before Self-Isolation

... and economy in general The study was held within the measurement of March RSBI — a monthly research of SMB business attitudes organized by PSB jointly with OPORA Russia and MAGRAM Market Research. According to the businessmen, in the end of March Covid-19 did not impact the revenues of 63% SMB companies. 34% mentioned their revenues reduction, 2% mentioned growth. In terms of areas of focus as of the end of March the impact of Covid-19 on SMB companies is as follows: Among 63% of the companies ...